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About Learning Disabilities & ADHD

Learning Disabilities result from impairments in one or more processes related to perceiving, thinking, remembering or learning.

Learning Disabilities (LD)

Learning Disabilities are neurodevelopmental disorders which result from impairments in one or more processes related to perceiving, thinking, remembering or learning.

Psychologists can diagnose Learning Disabilities with one of two definitions:

Facts about LD:

➢ LD is not the same as low IQ.  In fact, the diagnosis requires an individual to have an IQ score that is at least in the average range.
➢ An individual may be diagnosed with an LD in reading; writing; and/or math
➢ The most commonly diagnosed LD is in reading (also known as Dyslexia)
➢ Individuals with LD can thrive with the proper supports and educational interventions

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder that significantly impacts a person’s self-regulation in the areas of  thinking, feeling, and behaviour 

ADHD can be diagnosed by a variety of professionals, including Psychologists and medical doctors.

ADHD has three main types of presentations: 

  • Inattentive’  e.g., difficulty staying focused on boring  tasks, forgetfulness, and struggles staying organized
  • Hyperactive-Impulsive’  e.g., often moving or fidgeting, very talkative, and tendency  to interrupt others. 
  • Combined’  these individuals have both the ‘Inattentive’ and ‘Hyperactive-Impulsive’ characteristics.

 Facts about ADHD:

➢ ADHD is not a Learning Disability, however it is a common co-existing condition with LD.
➢ When ADHD is properly treated,the associated risks (such as accidents and substance abuse) are significantly reduced.
➢ Most (>90%) individuals with ADHD will respond well to medication, once the correct type of medication and dose is identified (see:  https://caddac.ca/about-adhd/in-general/)