Online Learning for Parents and Families
Having a child diagnosed with a Learning Disability can be overwhelming and isolating. Our online courses are designed to increase your knowledge and understanding of Learning Disabilities; the impact Learning Disabilities can have on a child’s academics, behaviour, and well-being; and the evidence-based strategies and tools to build your knowledge, skills and abilities to increase your child’s success.
Created by teachers and psychologists who work with these students every day, our courses take you inside the world of Learning Disabilities (LDs) at school: from facts and diagnoses to co-occurring conditions and LD strategies for students, teachers, and learning environment.
They have been designed for families to help build your understanding of LDs and to provide you with numerous LD resources.
Learn at your own pace. The courses are available whenever you are and are open for ninety days after you register. There are no tests or quizzes - just lots of opportunities to learn current, evidence-based information to help your child and your family.