My Foothills
News and Press Releases
April 8, 2024
Makwa7 Partners with Foothills Academy Society to Empower Education: Launches Read/Write & Math Intervention Program Bursary with $1500 Donation
Makwa7, a leading intelligent information management company and advocate for education empowerment, has teamed up with Foothills Academy Society to foster literacy and numeracy skills among struggling learners.
Sept. 18, 2023
Foothills Student Jay Knopf Joins the 2023/24 Minister's Youth Council
In an impressive accomplishment, Jay Knopf, a student at Foothills, has been chosen to serve on the 2023/24 Minister's Youth Council. Jay will be representing the perspectives of junior and senior high school students from Alberta as they contribute to shaping the future of education in the province.
May 29, 2023
Kal Tire’s Tires for Good program
On April 13th, 2023, Kal Tire, a leading tire and automotive service provider, donated brand-new tires for the van of Foothills Academy Society as part of Kal Tire’s Tires for Good program. This program offers a gift certificate valid for a set of tires to be used for an organization's vehicle or fundraising activities.
March 1, 2023
Foothills Academy - The Early Days
Foothills Academy is here because of the passion and determination of two parents who wanted the best for their child. Bill and Beth Mackasey had a child, Patrick, who was bright but was 2 -3 years behind academically. In 1979, there were no school programs specifically for students with Learning Disabilities in Calgary. The only academic option for children with severe Learning Disabilities was to be sent to a school called Denver Academy in Colorado.
Jan. 5, 2021
Readers Choice Award Winner 2020
In 2020, the readers of the Calgary Herald and the Calgary Sun voted Foothills Academy one of the top 3 Private/Charters schools in Calgary.