Admission Procedure
We follow a three step process for all applications received:
Step 1 – Review of Application
A school application form is submitted online to the Admissions Coordinator along with supporting documentation as well as the $50.00 processing fee. (Note: You will need to create a Login Account if you do not already have one.) Once the application form, processing fee and required documents are submitted, an applicant is added to the queue. The Admissions Committee meets regularly to decide on the suitability of applicants. Sometimes the child's teacher will be contacted for additional information. The application will be processed in a timely manner and the family will be notified of whether or not the applicant will move directly to the Wait List or the Pending Waitlist.
Pending Waitlist - For some students, the Admissions Committee may request additional information, The Admissions Committee may request further documentation or assessments. After this is received it will be reviewed. If the applicant does not meet the criteria families will be notified or the Applicant will be placed on the Waitlist.
Step 2 – Waitlist
When the applicant is deemed a suitable fit for our school program, they are put on the Waitlist. Applicant will be offered a Letter of
Acceptance when an appropriate spot becomes available.
Step 3 – Offer of Acceptance
When a spot becomes available for enrollment, placement is offered. Parents/Guardians will have one week to formally accept the position by signing a Letter of Acceptance.
Enrollment into the school typically begins in mid-late February. If a bursary is requested, the bursary application process is also completed at this point.
Application Check List
For your ease and convenience, we have created a checklist of items that we require for the School Admission Application. This information must be supplied before we can proceed with your child’s application. If there is any further information you require, please do not hesitate to call. We look forward to hearing from you.
- Psycho-Educational Assessment
A psycho-educational assessment completed within 2 years of the present application date. The assessment must show that the child has been diagnosed with a Learning Disability (such as Dyslexia). The assessment should include:- Recent WISC-V results including the sub-test scores as well as the Full-Scale I.Q., Verbal Comprehension, Visual-Spatial Reasoning, Fluid Reasoning, Working Memory and Processing Speed composite scores
- Achievement Assessment Recent standardized testing in math, reading and written expression (particularly spelling). Examples of the types of testing are the WIAT-III and Woodcock Johnson IV Tests of Achievement. Again, subtest scores should be included.
- Support Documents
Copies of your child's most recent report card(s), IPP(s), cumulative records and all additional information/assessments, which might be useful in determining the type of program required to meet the child’s needs. At some point during the admissions process, it is possible that we will wish to speak to the child’s teacher. - Application Form
- $50.00 non-refundable process fee