Community Services
Year-round programs and services.
Resources on this page
Our Estelle Siebens Community Services consists of a wide-range of programs and services delivered year-round through four different departments, open to the public.
Psychological Services & Programs
Read/Write & Math Intervention
Amicus Camp & Recreational Programs
Professional Development and Community Education
*Foothills Academy Bursary Application
If you have explored the funding sources mentioned above and you still require financial assistance to access our programs and services, there may be funding available through Foothills Academy. Our financial assistance program requires an application to be completed by the parents/guardians and is available depending on the family’s specific financial situation, as well as the availability of funds. When considering if you would like to apply for a fee reduction, please consider:
- Bursaries are awarded on a sliding scale. Families are welcome to request a bursary for each program their child attends; however, once a family receives three bursaries, further fee reductions may be limited by available funds and program capacity.
- You will be required to submit a Fee Reduction Application form along with supporting documentation (i.e. NOA, pay statements) as outlined on the application.
- You can obtain the application form as part of the program or services’ intake process, and applications must be re-completed yearly.
- The financial assistance program is reserved for families that have a demonstrated financial need through their fee reduction application. Generally, families with a gross family income over $120,000 will not be eligible for much assistance.
- Financial assistance is offered to families with consistent program and service attendance. As our programs are often in high demand, Foothills Academy may contact a family to discuss future bursary availability should it be determined by the department manager that a family is not utilizing fee reductions appropriately.
After you submit your application, our Director of Business Management will consider the financial need as indicated in the application and supporting documentation. A bursary amount will be calculated and applied directly to the program or service cost. Bursary amounts do not carry over, so any unused funds are returned to Foothills Academy’s financial assistance program for other use.
Due to the overwhelming demand for financial assistance, we can only consider bursary requests for children and adolescents with Learning and Attention concerns.