Read/Write & Math Intervention

Booster Programs

Read/Write & Math Intervention Booster Weeks

Winter registration is closed. Spring registration opens Feb. 27.

Is your child experiencing a gap in their learning? Do you find committing to 5 weeks too difficult? 

Our 1-week boosters are a wonderful alternative to weekly lessons to fill in specific gaps in literacy skills. Get the same number of hours in one week that you would coming for 3 months. Our instructors informally assess your child on the first day of the program and develop literacy goals for the week of the program. Choosing a Booster is the next best choice for an Intensive program. Evidence shows daily repetition inspires more growth than once a week. 

Please refer to the program information below to see any upcoming Literacy Booster Weeks we are offering. 

*The total cost is $65/hour and includes pre- and post-assessments. You can choose between 1 and 3 weeks. The weeks do not need to be consecutive.

**Please note that this registration does not include Spring Break. Stay tuned for more information about our Spring Break Booster Weeks.

Special Winter Break Booster - FULL

It has been refreshing how positive the instructors have been and it is so appreciated the amount of confidence that he exudes after each class. We appreciate all time and effort spent to engage him in learning on his terms and with his interests - his enjoyment shows. — Program Parent