School Policies

Assessment & Evaluation

Specific policies regarding evaluation of student progress at Foothills Academy are as follows.



  1. Conduct periodic assessments on all students in the school for skill and knowledge competencies found at each grade level in the Alberta program of studies. The Weschler Fundamentals Assessments are conducted periodically throughout the year to measure academic growth in literacy and numeracy. Standardized evaluations compared with provincial norms are conducted in grades 6, 9 and 12 as achievement tests and diploma exams respectively.
  2. Report on student achievement in every subject at least once in every reporting period as a minimum and communicate the results to parents/guardians in a formal report card.
  3. Evaluate, by administering both formative (quizzes, tests, exams, assignments, homework) and summative (unit tests, midterms and final exams) as well as making anecdotal observations on in class behaviours.
  4. All grades will be made available to parents and students in grades seven to twelve through Maplewood.

What if a student doesn't finish work for it to be evaluated?

When a student feels that they are unable to complete an assignment or another piece of work, they must speak to their teacher as soon as they realize that this is the case.  This is the student's responsibility to advocate for. Teachers will attempt to check in with students frequently, and give them supports to help them advocate, but the sooner they ask for help, the easier it is to catch up.

The teacher should then be able to work with the student to work out a reasonable plan about how and when to submit their work.  This may include staying after school for help and planning a schedule with their teacher to break down the steps of their work and making small deadlines for each part.

It is unacceptable for a student at Foothills Academy to fail to hand in a piece of work. Our job is to find ways to support students to make it possible for them to complete all parts of their work.  

If necessary, school administration and your parents will be involved with work completion problems which escalate out of control.  

Evaluation and Credits

Your teachers evaluate your work so that they can help you to measure where you are doing well in class, and where you require more supports, to help continue to learn, grown and develop as a student. Evaluation also helps you see where you are doing well, and where you may need to ask for more help and support.

Evaluation takes many different forms in class:

  • A teacher may just check in with you verbally to ensure you know the content of the lesson.  Be sure to let the teacher know if you have questions, or if you are unsure about something.
  • Your work may be graded using a clear rubric provided by your teacher.  Be sure to ask for a copy of the rubric if you are unclear on the expectations for an assignment.
  • Quizzes, tests or exams should have a percentage mark attached, as well as feedback about what you should do next time.  The percentage score alone does not really help you to learn and develop as a student.
  • Evaluation of your work should be prompt.  It is not possible for teachers to get work back to you immediately, especially if the assignment being graded is long.  However, if your work is not evaluated within one week of submission, you should ask your teacher for it.
  • Evaluation is used for helping you to develop as a learner.  Use the feedback given to you, and make sure that you ask for clarification on things you could do differently next time.

Team 2 to 4 Exams

Students in Senior School write term exams in December and March, and finals in June. The exam schedule runs for approximately one and a half weeks during which time there are modified classes. Homeroom teachers issue a detailed schedule covering the entire exam period. The schedule specifies the dates and times of each class’ formal review sessions with teachers and the exam times.


Students needing testing accommodations that extend beyond what is offered in class will need to make a request through their homeroom teacher and assistive technologist.

Typical Course Mark Breakdowns for Math and English


  Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4
Homework Assessments are evaluated and recorded. Marks are not split into categories. Numerical grades are not reported overall. 5% 5 - 10% 5 - 15%
Assignments (Projects) 20% 5 - 10% 5 - 20%
Quizzes 10% 15% 10 - 15%
Tests 25% 30% 15 - 25%
Notebook (Organization) 5% 5% 5 - 10%
Winter Exam 10% 10% 10%
Spring Exam 10% 15% 15 - 20%
Final Exam 15% 20% 20 - 30%

Course Mark Breakdown for English and Social Studies Subjects

Language Arts and Social Studies assessments for Grades 3-5

Assignments and tests are graded but overall achievement is reported based on skill and knowledge objectives found in Alberta Education’s programs of study.

English and Social Studies Course Weightings for Grades 7-9

Assignments: 70%
Tests: 10%
Winter Midterm:5%
Spring Midterm: 5%
Final: 10%

English and Social Studies Course Weightings for Grades 10-11

Assignments: 60%
Tests: 10%
Winter Midterm:10%
Spring Midterm: 10%
Final: 10%

English and Social Studies Course Weightings for Grade 12*

Assignments: 70%
Tests: 10%
Final: 10%

*Alberta Education requires students in 30 level Social Studies and English courses pass a two-part diploma exam to consider the course complete. As a result, the total in class mark will only be worth 70% of the total grade for the course, with the remaining 30% based on the results from the student’s completed diploma exam.

**Because English and Social Studies are semestered courses, there will only be one midterm for each course.