Due to the nature and intensiveness of our program, student attendance and punctuality are vital to the success of our students. Students who are absent or late are expected to work with their teachers to make up for missed work. Students are expected to call a classmate regarding assignments. For students who fail to do their work, a teacher is available after school to assist them.

It is the student's responsibility to request approval from their teachers for required absences and to arrange to make up missed assignments for individual teachers.


Ongoing records are kept regarding student absences and lates. Frequent absences or tardiness may seriously jeopardize successful completion of courses for the year. If a student has repeated absences, and his/her work suffers as a result, we will first allow the student to be responsible for catching up by scheduling makeup time. Failing that, we will call a conference for parents, teachers, student and administration to attempt to resolve the problem. If the situation cannot be resolved, the school will consider expulsion.


If a student is absent or late, we would ask the parent to notify the school. If we do not receive a call, the school will call the parent to inform them that the student is not present.


We ask for parent and student cooperation regarding booking appointments outside of school hours and following the school designated vacation times for booking holidays.


If a student has an appointment during school hours, they are asked to bring a note from the professional confirming the appointment. Alternatively, the parent may communicate directly with the school prior to the appointment.


High School Students

Because our program is accredited, Alberta Education guidelines allow students involved in credit programs to earn one credit for every 25 instructional hours. Since regular attendance is a requirement for earning credits and earning passing grades, student attendance must be consistent. It is important that students not book time off from school on any days other than school holidays.


If a student is absent or late, we ask that the parent notify the school. If we do not receive a call, the school will call the parent to inform them that the student is not present.


Families: Please book appointments outside of school instructional time and do your best to arrange holidays during the school's designated vacation times.