Detention Policy
Detentions are never intended as a punishment, they serve as a natural consequence to essentially make up time for:
- A loss of a period of work due to an event that required collaborating for a resolution, such as completing a PSP
- An incomplete assignment where the student requires a more structured work time with additional supports
- Using the time with the teacher issuing the detention to mend and develop a positive, caring relationship with the student
In both these cases, the student will use this time to work on tasks or assignments that they have fallen behind on due to time constraints. In certain cases related to PSPs the student may participate in a supervised restitution activity in lieu of schoolwork.
Assignment Related Detentions
It is important to consider the following questions:
- Did you clearly understand the expectations and content of the assignment?
- Did you understand how the assignment was going to be graded?
- Was a clear due date set and communicated on multiple platforms (classroom/homework page)?
- Did you see a strong exemplar and rubric?
- Was time provided in class to process the expectations of the assignment and ask for clarification?
- Were smaller deadlines set and communicated to you if the assignment was a lengthy piece of work?
- Have you checked in frequently with the teacher at intervals during a longer assignment?
- Were the consequences of a missed deadline clearly communicated to you?
- Did you clarify any misunderstanding with your teacher?
- Did you attend homework club for additional support?
- Did you contact your teacher prior to the deadline either in person or electronically to communicate your difficulties completing the work and advocate for an extension?
For PSP Related Detentions
Because the PSP does require that a student be removed from class, extra time for catch up needs to be provided. Because PSPs require contacting the parents, arranging a detention time can be done then.
If you can answer yes to all of these questions, then a detention is a next logical step for supporting the student. Detentions are to be issued and supervised by the teacher or staff member who issued the detention. For all related detentions:
- The date needs to be agreed on by the student and teacher supervising
- It should be served the same day it was issued either at lunch or after school and under extenuating circumstances can be postponed to no more than the following school day
- They should be no longer than 45 minutes
- Only one per assignment or incident
- Parents need to be informed as soon as a detention is given
- They all need to be kept on record
- There will not be any marks removed for overdue assignments
- First-time detentions will be served Monday through Thursday
- If the student completes the work before their detention appointment, the time will still be maintained to review the assignment and provide additional opportunities for learning and review. Chances are, the work may be rushed through so a thorough edit is encouraged
Skipping Detentions
Should a situation arise where the student is absent from a set detention date, the following series of steps will be taken.
First detention missed: The teacher will conference with the student to determine the reason for the absence, a second date will be set and the parents will be notified.
If the 2nd established date is missed: The teacher will conference with the student and parent, either over the phone or in person to come up with a plan of action to complete the work and set a date for completion. Friday afternoons can be used to make up the time.
3rd established date missed: The student will meet with the teacher and administrator who will supervise the final detention. A parent/administrator/teacher-student meeting will follow the detention completion and a review of strategies and plan of action for moving forward will be created
Multiple Detentions in One Day
Any situation involving a student who has received multiple detentions within the day will serve with the teacher who has the least students serving that day, to allow for more individualized support time. Parents will need to be contacted and informed of the multiple incompletes given. If the student completes all of their work by the following day, it will be up to the discretion of the teachers concerned whether they will need to honor the other detentions issued.
Students who complete their work without any overdues over the course of the month will be recognized by their homeroom teacher and administration.