Foothills Academy provides an intensive, all-round school experience for students with Learning Disabilities, and this is evident with the wide range of electives offered in school. Our Junior High and High School program both offer separate elective options.
For students in grades 7 to 9, our electives rotate each term, providing students the opportunity to explore a variety of interests and also develop already established strengths. A Junior High school student at Foothills could experience up to nine separate electives over the three-year program, or they could focus on those areas that they are the most passionate about.
Our Senior High school elective options are all recognized by Alberta Education as credit programs, either as a standalone or as a collection of modules under the career and technology studies program. For some of our electives, students have the choice of a full year or half year semestered programming. Students have the opportunity to receive five to six credits per year that go towards the 100 credits required to earn a High School diploma. For students looking for additional programs, we also offer opportunities to register in Alberta Distance Learning Centre programs online should their schedule offer open periods. Staff encourages students to use the experiences they had exploring electives in Junior high to make informed choices about electives that they are passionate about and will lend themselves well to future post-secondary pursuits.