Amicus Recreation Programs

Science and Engineering

Explore new science and engineering concepts every week (Grades 3 to 6)

Fall 2024 Schedule

  • Tuesdays (7 week program)

Come and explore the exciting world of science and engineering, Amicus style! We focus on a new science and engineering discipline each week with hands-on building, take-home projects and real-world problem-solving activities. From building flashlights, launching rockets, taking apart computers and more, come learn, build social skills, have fun and make friends at Amicus Science and Engineering!

Grades: 3 to 6
Location: Foothills Academy
Fee: $395
When: Tuesdays

Intake Criteria

Children and youth in grades 3 - 12 can attend Amicus Recreation programs if they meet our Intake Criteria. If your child has not participated in an Amicus or social skills program through Foothills Academy before, the first step is to complete the Intake process prior to registration taking place.