Amicus Camps & Recreation

Amicus Recreation Programs

Year round social skills based recreational programs for youth with Learning Disabilities (such as Dyslexia) and ADHD

Registration for fall Recreation is open.

Amicus Recreation offers children and teens from grade 3 - grade 12 with Learning Disabilities (such as Dyslexia) and/or ADHD opportunities to participate in diverse activities and socialize with peers who also have LD and/or ADHD.

Participants may want to indulge in an area of passion that they already have or they may wish to explore some new activities that they’ve never tried before.

No matter which activity a participant chooses, an important component of all Amicus programs is the development of positive social skills. Approximately one-quarter of each program is dedicated to the explicit teaching of social skills and our staff serves as experienced social coaches. Programs are led by our mature, trained and caring staff (university age) who understand the needs of youth with LD/ADHD.

Our group sizes are no larger than 15 participants and provide a 3:1 participant to staff ratio so that all children/youth receive the attention that they require. Some programs are smaller than 15 participants if space or partner organizations require this.

Most programs are registered and take place once per week and vary in length from 4 weeks to 8 weeks long.

New programs begin in the fall, winter and spring.

Intake Criteria

Children and youth in grades 3 - 12 can attend Amicus Recreation programs if they meet our Intake Criteria. If your child has not participated in an Amicus or social skills program through Foothills Academy before, the first step is to complete the Intake process prior to registration taking place.


Normally, all Amicus Recreation programs take place at Foothills Academy unless otherwise indicated. 


To view the full schedule of Amicus programs, go to our Amicus Google calendar.

Amicus Recreation Programs