Financial Accessibility
We aim to keep the cost of our Community Services programs and services as low as possible. For example, we offer services like our psycho-educational assessments and psychological counselling services well below the going rate in the Calgary community. Where we are able, we also have a variety of parent resources which we make available free of charge, or at a very low cost.
Depending on the program or service you are accessing, there may be a government program to help offset some of the cost. We request that you explore these possibilities before applying for any financial assistance directly from Foothills Academy.
- For families accessing Psychological Services & Programs, you may be able to be reimbursed by your private health insurance coverage. Check your policy to find out your specific coverage. Further, for families who have qualified for Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD) funding through the Ministry of Community & Social Services, we can direct bill FSCD for some of our Psychological Services group programs: Let’s Be Social; Acting Social; and, Girls Only!
- For families accessing Read/Write services, the costs may qualify as a “Medical Expense Tax Credit” through the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) if the individual has a diagnosed disability and a medical practitioner has certified in writing that tutoring services are needed.
- For families accessing Camp Amicus & Recreational Programs – for families who have qualified for Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD) funding through the Ministry of Community & Social Services, we can direct bill FSCD for all of our camp programs (day, overnight and POLARIS).
Financial Assistance through Foothills Academy
If you have explored the sources of funding mentioned above and you still require financial assistance to access our programs and services, there may be funding available through Foothills Academy depending on the family’s specific financial situation and the availability of funds. You can apply for financial assistance by submitting the Fee Reduction Application form which you can obtain as part of the intake process. Due to the overwhelming demand for financial assistance, we can only consider bursary requests for children and adolescents with Learning and Attention concerns.
We’d like to thank our generous donors who support the financial accessibility of the Camp Amicus & Recreation programs, including the Prosser Charitable Foundation, Children’s Hospital Aid Society and B’Nai Brith.