My Foothills

Guidance and Graduation

At Foothills Academy, future planning for students to prepare them for life after high school begins in grade 10 and continues throughout the high school years.

my Blueprint

Foothills Academy grade 10 - 12 students use the myBlueprint program Education Planner in their Health, CALM and Learning Strategies classes. myBlueprint uses an inquiry-based approach and follows a comprehensive education and career planning process that meets the learning needs, interests and aspirations of all students. 

Through the Learn - Explore - Reflect - Plan process, students actively learn about their interests, skills, passions and feelings, and document what they discover about themselves in pictures, videos and journals. myBlueprint has Family Accounts for supportive engagement.

Credits and Determining Eligibility to Graduate

Students who attend Foothills for their high school career (grades 10, 11 and 12), completing all courses offered that comprise a full-time school schedule are guaranteed to achieve enough credits to achieve a high school diploma.

Diploma Exams

Post-Secondary Education

There are many post-secondary options to choose from. Check out the Post-Secondary Education section to start exploring.


All students attending Foothills Academy have benefitted from having an Individual Program Plan (IPP) and personalized accommodations and supports. With the transition to life after high school, it is important for students and parents to have a current understanding of their learning needs and the supports that are available at the post-secondary level and the workplace to support adults with Learning Disabilities.

Training, Skills and Employment

In addition to the Self-Determination skills we have embedded into our students’ daily curriculum, in grades 11 & 12 we offer students and their parents/guardians a variety of extracurricular opportunities to prepare for their future. We strongly encourage students and families to take advantage of the many opportunities that are offered through our school and Amicus programs.  

After Graduation

We also welcome alumni to come back to Foothills Academy and share their knowledge and experiences with students at the school. Some of the opportunities for alumni include: