School Policies
Student Code of Conduct
In keeping with the values of Foothills Academy Society to ensure that all students and staff are provided with a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment, it is expected that students shall:
- Treat all other students with respect.
- Treat the staff, volunteers, stakeholders and the facility with respect.
- Show respect for authority, property and differences in ethnicity, race, religion, gender, gender expression, gender identity and sexual orientation.
- Be punctual, and prepared for daily lessons and procedures.
- Contribute to being a part of the positive, welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment; reporting any incidents of harassment, bullying, discrimination or violence during or outside of school related activities.
- Respect diversity and refrain from demonstrating any form of discrimination.
- Be positive members of the Foothills Academy community, making appropriate use of school supports to gain maximum learning potential, both academically and socially, from the program.
- Recognize the zero tolerance policy regarding use and/or possession of drugs and associated paraphernalia; it is an expellable offence.
- Act in a safe, mature manner in school and on the school bus.
- Comply with the rules of the school.
- Refrain from by-standing or participating in, and shall report immediately to a staff member, any witnessed bullying or bullying behaviour directed towards students or staff of the school, whether during school hours or not, in the school building or premises or not, or by any electronic means.
- Follow safety procedures as outlined by school staff, administration, bus drivers and other stakeholders.
- Treat Foothills Academy as though it were their own home and will respect all school property.
- Be prohibited from engaging in unacceptable behaviours such as bullying, defined by the School Act as, “repeated and hostile or demeaning behaviour by an individual in the school community where the behaviour is intended to cause harm, fear or distress to one or more other individuals in the school community, including psychological harm or harm to an individual’s reputation.” Such behaviour is unacceptable whether or not it occurs within the school building, during the school day or by electronic means.
- Be prohibited from engaging in other unacceptable behaviours including: theft, intimidation, harassment, discrimination, criminal activity, endangering selves or others, encouraging unacceptable conduct, cyberbullying, being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, use of improper or abusive language, physical altercations interfering with the orderly conduct of classes and other wilful disobedience or defiance. Such behaviour is unacceptable whether or not it occurs within the school building, during the school day or by electronic means.
- Support members of the Foothills Academy community who are in need of assistance.
- Abide by the student code of conduct and the school expectations as laid out in the school handbook.
- Sign the behaviour, conduct and expectations contract for student, and abide by the contract.
Where the code of conduct is breached, the responses may be as follows:
- Consequences of unacceptable behaviour will take into account the student’s age, maturity and individual circumstances, and ensure that support is provided for students who are impacted by inappropriate behaviour, as well as for students who engage in inappropriate behaviour.
- Teacher, assistant or staff member can conference with the student and parents to remedy the situation. Detentions, PSPs, regulation breaks or late-shows can be provided or given.
- Student can be given a PSP from the lesson, and must resolve the matter with the teacher before re-entry into the class. Detentions or late-shows can be given.
- Student can meet with Program Coordinator(s), once all options have been exhausted by the teacher. Program Coordinator(s) can liaise with student, parents and teacher to remedy the situation, whilst imposing consequences such as detentions, late shows or suspension (in school suspension, or out of school suspension).
- Student can meet with the Program Coordinator(s) and expulsion can be recommended. Parents are able to appeal to Executive Director(s) and then the Board of Governors. Reference Suspension and Expulsion (19).
- The Police will be involved to deal with students who have broken the law.
Province of Alberta (2015). School Act. Revised statutes of Alberta 2000 Chapter S-3. Alberta Queen’s Printer, Edmonton.
Communication of Code of Conduct
- Staff will all uniformly apply the policy so it isn’t undermined and is consistent.
- The policy will be clearly communicated to staff by administration.
- The policy will be clearly communicated to all students by staff.
- The policy will be clearly communicated to all parents via the parent handbook.
- Follow through will be consistent and consequences will be fair.