Foothills Parents
As parents and guardians, the importance of your role in the education of your children cannot be overstated. We value our close collaboration with you to ensure the best possible academic and social-emotional outcomes for your child.
View the Family Handbook here.
This section is for the family members of Foothills Academy students. Here you will find the information and resources that you need to support your child in our school program.
This Foothills Parents section of the website serves as your guide to your child’s education and allows you to be aware of the high expectations we have of all students and families at Foothills. Being engaged in your child’s learning and overall experience at Foothills is essential if we are to work together to ensure that we provide the best for each and every student.
Your Child's Academics
From this page, you can check your child’s marks (Grades 7 - 12) on PowerSchool. And, if you are wondering what they should be working on for homework, you can access the Homework page here. Are you wondering what option classes are available in grades 7 - 12? You can see the wide variety of classes that are offered at Foothills Academy on the Electives page.
For parents of children in high school, we have information relevant for the Path to Graduation in one place.
Family Commitment and fundraising are areas that families have lots of questions about. If you would like to learn more about your Family Commitment and access Fundraising Resources, you can do so directly from this page.
Do you have questions about bussing or the supplies that Foothills Academy provides? And, there is a direct link to the school calendar page.